
Showing posts from September, 2020

Pandemic achievements

Today marked the first day when both children were in school and I wasn't working so I had a bit of time for myself.  And when I say a bit of time, I actually mean A BIT, because with Emma starting Reception class, she was in school from 8.50am to 11.30am. Nevertheless, it felt good to have some space, despite missing them while they weren't home to drive me insane. So after tidying the house a bit I was considering going for a run, bike ride, whatever - but instead I chose to sit outside in the garden reading and contemplating. I know, sounds great, but no reason to get too envyious, it was only half an hour. It is never a good idea to let my brain wander for too long, the outcome may be dangerous. We now hit the 6 months milestone since working from home and since this whole madness started - but who's counting?! Seems like a long time, and as we get back into sort of a routine with school, girls' activities,  I struggle to remember how things were before. It was a lo...