Running away from 2020
Just like my first post into lockdown in March, I feel like using the F word a lot, to express how I feel. I am holding back from it, it’s not cool, just as I am holiday back my tears when I realise my lack of control and helplessness, my failure to properly understand things and have the right answer when my 4 year old is asking me when is the virus going away. Not for a while baby, I want to say, but instead I smile and tell her that soon this will all go away. They are lucky though, they just managed to finish a whole uninterrupted school term, which to be fair I didn’t think would happen. What a shift in meaning ‘normal’ had this year - we don’t know what’s normal anymore, what’s the new normal and what next year’s normal will be. Someone told me this summer that we need to stop waiting for normal to return and learn to live our lives as if this is normal. At the time it sounded ridiculous and we could still deceive ourselves with the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s getting ve...